Sam Kapala Bio

Though Sam loved working with his hands at an early age, it wasn’t until after he graduated from Williams College and tested out the life of a touring musician that he began his career in construction. Over many years as a frame-to-finish carpenter working on custom homes in the midcoast region and beyond, Sam found that he consistently gravitated toward working closely with clients, design professionals, and other trades to bring buildings to life. As a Preconstruction Project Manager for KG’s Prefabricated Division, Sam loves refining construction details and processes—both in the shop and behind the scenes—to make it even easier to realize the dream of beautiful and sustainable prefabricated housing. While his tool belt (mostly) stays in the truck now, he finds the best days are those that include both desk and dust, and at least a few minutes to geek out over the latest building science, the best way to execute a tricky detail, or the coolest new power tools.

Sam lives in an old house in Freeport with his wife, their two boys, a wild dog, and a mellow cat, where he always has at least one house project in the works.