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Landscaping with local stone

Seascape Outdoor Living

A captivating retreat along the Maine coast.

Abundant views of the river and beyond

Set among the rocky cliffs, native woodlands, and wave-tossed seaside bluffs of the 5.5-acre site, the landscape created for a new “grand Maine cottage” includes sweeping lawns and extensive gardens of native plants.

View of outdoor fireplace from garden
The outdoor living room is a special retreat—there is a natural chorus made by the crackling fire and booming roar of the funneling waves.
– Design Team, Seascape Outdoor Living

Blending architecture with nature

A curving “vanishing edge” pool and a native stone terrace provide an elegant transition from the living areas to the ledge-studded natural landscape that surrounds the home.

Indoor comforts under the open sky

With a focus on entertaining, the cabana offers more than a seat in the shade—a full kitchen, two televisions, gas heaters, and of course, the bar—make this the party hot spot!

Enjoying nature’s songs

The outdoor living room is a special retreat, tucked between wooded knolls and set just above the property’s own “thunder hole”—there is a natural chorus made by the crackling fire and booming roar of the funneling waves.

A place of peace

Sometimes, it’s just the simple things that evoke the most pleasure—a sunny spot to take in the open views of the Sheepscot River and the Atlantic Ocean beyond. Read about the Seascape Main House.

Additional Details

Architect + Builder

Knickerbocker Group

Landscape Architecture

Gates, Leighton & Associates


Back Meadow Farm

Lighting Design

Greg Day


Brian Vanden Brink

Maine Imaging

Darren Setlow